How it works


Select the qualification.

Pick from our library of apprenticeships, qualifications and job roles. Choose to create either a learning path for the entire qualification or create a single course covering just the criteria you're interested in.

Choose a delivery style.

Self-guided or instructor-led: EducatedOn generates learning resources including e-learning and workshop-based learning resources to suit your preferred learning delivery approach.

Pick any languages.

Want to deliver in Welsh? No problem! EducatedOn can translate the learning path, courses and learning resources into over 30 languages with video and audio using native speaking voices.

Sit back and relax.

Watch as EducatedOn generates a learning path for the qualification or course covering your selected criteria. Simply review, make your amendments, publish and embed the content into your LMS or VLE.

For curriculum teams and coaches.

Our simple and intuitive UI makes it easy to create learning content for any need.

Learning path view within platform


Illustration of woman working on a laptop whilst sitting on a pile of books

Reduce your curriculum costs and development time.

Designing and building learning content is onerous. It takes too long, costs too much and quickly becomes outdated.

EducatedOn allows you to create learning resources in minutes not months. Reducing your design and build costs.

Rapidly build courses to meet customer needs.

Creating curriculum is slow and costly meaning it's often delivered too late and only when it's deemed a high-demand course.

EducatedOn's course creation wizard enables you to:

  • Rapidly respond to customer training needs
  • Reduce lead times providing more immediate revenue return
  • Transform even the smallest cohort training request into profitable opportunities

Illustration of a laptop
Illustration of woman working on a laptop whilst sitting on a pile of books

Free up your coaches for the important stuff.

Preparing for group workshops and 1-2-1 coaching sessions is time-consuming adding to the stress of coaches already coping with high caseloads

EducatedOn is planning to introduce workshop resources for your coaches including lesson plans, engaging presentations and more. Freeing them up to focus on what matters - teaching! Find out more about our new Lesson Plan (beta).

Want to know more? Get in touch.

Want to know more? Request a demo and find out more about how EducatedOn can help transform your delivery.

Seen enough? If you want to sign-up visit our pricing page to select the subscription that suits your needs.